The healing journey of Chiron
Chiron, the wounded healer, is activated by the last of the eclipses on the Aries Libra axis, signifying relationships. How can we balance our healing within the context of relationships moving forward?
Healing unresolved pain in relationships
How do we consider within the context of relationships our own needs. How can can you integrate this so that you can find the balance between the relationship itself and how this balances our own personal desires and even injury so that the relationship nourishes.
Reflect on past relationship themes and reoccurring patterns. What is it that you sacrifice for the sake of the relationship and how does that serve you? The time is to release what it is that you don't need so that you can begin to move forward with clarity making sure that you are fully honest with yourself so that you can liberate your relationships from unconscious patterns that you realise are no longer about your personal growth.
I can offer an individual consultation where we address early formed hidden patterns in your life that continue to play out in your current relationships. This can enable a new perspective and greater awareness to create a healthy and conscious dynamic for yourself and your loved ones.