Relationship consultation

Relationship consultation

The consultation can be about an intimate relationship, sexuality, a family member or friendship, or any other relational difficulty. We'll inquire into what relationship means to you, what you are looking for and how you can go about meeting your needs. We'll go to understand your vocation, authentic relationship to self and others. We'll also find out if you are in a karmic relationship and if so how you can navigate it.

Synastry Consultation

If you'd like a synastry consultation first we will work on each of your natal charts individually as this helps you to have clear insight. 

Please note that if only one of you is attending I need to have the written consent of the other. For this I look at the relationship from your perspective. 

view all consultations here.

relationship consultation

one person

75 min. / 70 Eur.

synastry consultation

consultation for 2 people

90 min. / 140 Eur.